You have probably heard the phrase “make bail” in relation to being arrested and released prior to going to court for a criminal trial. Bail is a figure that is set by the court that essentially functions as a deposit, ensuring that the accused individual will show up for his or her trial. This facilitates the person’s release from jail before actually being convicted of a crime, so he or she will not need to wait behind bars for a court date to arrive. For most people, the amount of bail is not a sum that is available on-hand, so a bail bond becomes necessary to cover the cost. Jail Birds Bail Bonds is your resource for bail bonds in Dallas, and we understand that you likely have some questions about how they work. Here are the answers to a few bail bond FAQs to help you understand the process.
What is a bail bond?
A bail bond is an agreement in which a bondsman puts up the bail money needed to get an individual immediately released from jail. It will typically include a non-refundable deposit paid to the bondman, which is usually about 10% of the total amount required for bail.
How is bail calculated?
A judge or magistrate will set bail on a case-by- case basis by considering several factors. These include the nature of the crime, the danger the accused poses to other individuals, the ability of the accused to pay bail, and the prior criminal history of the accused.
What right do I have to bail if I’ve been arrested?
Not every crime will have bail associated with it. In the state of Texas, you are entitled to bail for any criminal accusation outside of capital offenses. The United States Constitution protects you from excessive bail through the 8th amendment, which means that the figure determined must be reasonable for the nature of the crime.
How much do you charge for a bail bond?
Just as the cost of bail can vary from case to case, the cost of bail bonds can fluctuate as well. Usually, the premium charged for a bail bond is 10% of the bail amount. However, the premium may end up being higher or lower depending on certain factors, so it’s important to contact a local bail bondsman to ask about your options.
What if I cannot afford to pay?
If you are not able to put up the premium in full to secure a bail bond, we do provide payment plans that can allow some flexibility to pay in installments. Our goal is to help you or your loved one get out of jail quickly to prepare for the upcoming trial, so we do not want you to be held up by financial limitations.
Who is held responsible if I do not make it to my trial?
It is very important to make it to your court appearance, since bail will be surrendered if you are not there. If this happens, the co-signer for your bail bond will be held financially responsible for the total sum of your bail in addition to associated fees, including the cost of an investigator.
Do you get bail money back?
If the defendant is acquitted or charges are dropped, then the person who posted bail will receive a refund from the court within about six weeks. If a person uses a bail bondsman, there is no refund. The reason for this is because the full amount of the set bail total was not paid.